Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Brain-health Benediction

This may show what a geek I am, but these are actually things that I do often pray for my children- just not so they can hear me, I tend to stick to the Aaronic blessing from Numbers 6:24 like every other Lutheran. And I do pray to Jesus, not just some vague higher-power. But I still think this is funny. Apologies to Rockwell, of course.

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Star-crossed lovers...

Apologies to Hopper, special thanks to cognitive linguist George Lakoff for his studies on the "Strict Father" vs. "Nurturant-Parent" synaptic frames. In pop-cultural vernacular; "It would never work, I watch Oprah, whereas you listen to too much Doctor Dobson." Theologically; I'm more of a Sadducee, you're too much of a Pharisee. See, this is why I've never gotten anywhere as a cartoonist, I'm WAY too esoteric. That and I steal famous artist's paintings and stick captions on them instead of drawing my own funny picture.

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