Tuesday, December 11, 2007

About this blog


My name is Ted, and I'm a Blog-aholic.

I've written a weekly column in out small town newspaper, the Charter Oak-Ute NEWSpaper since 2002. In 2004 I discovers Blogger. It was the perfect place to post and archive those columns.

But I've wanted to be a cartoonist since 5th grade. In 2006, I began adding one a week to my column. This last year the NEWSpaper was absorbed by it's parent paper, the Mapleton PRESS. that meant a bigger audience, but still the "farm-leagues." Someday, I think I might like to make it to the big show. But alas, Editorial cartoonist is a dying profession.

I've used blogs to chronicle my coaching (Cheerleading, believe it or not), to provide resources for my students (Art and Yearbook), and to showcase my photography and painting. I've even used it for rants on religion and politics. But it never dawned on me that I should be using it to "self-publish" my cartoons.

So here we are. I hope you enjoy what you see here. It's new every week. Please post your comments or email me and let me know what you think of my work.

If you're a newspaper or magazine publisher, or better yet, represent a syndicate- please get in touch with me! I know that when your ship hasn't come in, you should swim out to it, but I have a terrible fear of rejection and very little time or money to use on mailing out samples with cover letters.

Like I said, I'm well aware that there are probably fewer than a hundred people in the United States who get to do this for a living. Meanwhile, I'm just glad that thanks to technology, and my friends at the Mapleton PRESS, I can do this for the fun of it.

You can see my humor and politics column in the Mapleton PRESS or at http://tedscolumn.blogspot.com

You can see HUNDREDS of my cartoons all together at http://tmal.multiply.com/photos/album/2

If you're not a publisher or an agent, please feel free to bookmark this site and email all your friends about it. I figure, if independent rock bands and film makers can establish a groundswell of fan support on the web, maybe an independent political cartoonist can too!

You can follow the ups and downs of my (feeble) attempts at taking a hobby and launching it into a career here.

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